5 Myths About the Female Orgasm

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More than one woman was surprised while her friend confides some details about a night of passion with your partner. Often many doubts about what can become a arise enjoyable sex and shame makes no awkward questions.

True, some will exaggerate, omit other and end the doubts are rolling in my head unanswered. Thinking clarify some myths we consulted Colombian sexologist Martha Mejia us to solve some doubts about the female orgasm .

An inquiry to find out for sure

Martha Mejia is a psychologist at the National University of Colombia and sexologist at the University of Barcelona. Over 18 years of experience as a sex therapist have earned credit in major media in the country, which is not free, when your career objective and retrain staff Colombians on sexuality.

To sexologist, be clear and direct is vital when it comes to talking about sex . "In the 21st century is very frustrating to find that people have spent 40 years making love from the penis and vagina. This goes beyond, "said the specialist.

Can I reach orgasm without penetration?

Martha Mejia: Make it clear that the most powerful man and woman sex organ is the brain. It is neither the vagina or the penis. So you can have orgasms without penetration , even without an iota touches your body.

What you should do is go to my best sexual data bank, the brain. Then imagine, you create or recreate a sexual, carnal and intense job that you have lived or simply the invent you.

You go to your memory, you give strength and vibes. Remember how you smelled, touched or palpaste and what you do is activate all your senses . I guarantee you feel 1-3 orgasms if you let yourself go. All our senses influence, a key for them and they always repeat is that "we have the clitoris in the ears. (Laughs).

My partner can tell if I fake an orgasm?

MM: It's quite difficult to fake an orgasm . During his experience organic manifestations as agitation, cardio-respiratory, more lubrication in the vagina, nipples and argan pupils, lips, veins and arteries dilate 5 times longer than normal.

It should be a pretty actress who had trained for these drills, but hardly make it in all the way because the physiological part involved. Sometimes women worry about fake and this makes their partners think they are super lovers, which is not healthy for anyone.

How many can experience orgasms during sex?

MM: That's very relative. First we should look parameter sexual relationship over time. For example, experience has shown that a Colombian couple sex takes no more than 15 or 20 minutes. So responding under that average, a Colombian woman could ever experience 10 to 12 orgasms.

However, if it is a multi-orgasms and that is combined with the ability, skill and creativity of your partner, you can bring it to the threshold to have consecutive orgasms.

Where is the G spot?

MM: The G spot is located 3 inches from the vaginal opening at the top of the pubic neck to the pelvic bone. An easy way to find it is to enter the finger and push the upper vaginal wall, firmly.

Ideally, it relaxed, must extend for a pillow behind the tail ture. There we will find no bigger than a pea mound. It is strong and rugged. Neither smooth nor soft. You must rub together with fingertips in a circular shape to correspond. When there will be more protuberant irrigation and increasingly assertive.

Today there are toys that are used to detect the point G , but the easiest way is this of which I speak. That is the position.

My partner and I can reach orgasm so simultaneously?

MM: Many couples have this myth. I say it is a myth that could hardly be synchronized such perfection something similar. It must be a couple who really (and I take my hat) have the perfect synchrony and not just sex, but in all environments.

Despite this understanding, it is not so easy to do and although many wish and yearn couples should not be a cause of stress. Of course there are couples who reported having achieved, but the truth is that with so many conditions at once and two completely different things, you might have more difficulty. Get off of that cloud because it is subjective and changeable.

Did they remained doubts about the female orgasm ? This is the opportunity for you to tell us and we'll find out for you on the next delivery.

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